
Step by step into one greener world.

Production waste

Recycling of production waste

Solar system

Solar power for our factory

ORGANIC cleaning products

Mostly using organic cleaning products


Reusing our "Hodern"

Combined heat and power plant

Combined heat and power plant

Bioliquefied gas tank

Heating medium bioliquefied gas

E-charging stations

E-charging stations with our solar power


+ many more small successes

Beck Fabrikstechnik GmbH is committed to sustainability and has firmly integrated this goal into its corporate philosophy. The successes we have already achieved in the area of ​​green technologies are evidence of our commitment and the continuous improvement of our operations. We accept our responsibility and do not practice misleading self-representation in the sense of “greenwashing”. We openly acknowledge that there are areas in which we are not yet acting sustainably enough. Our aim is to shape our future sustainably in all areas.